The Postcard Hotel, India
90% time saved | 12% boost in room nights | 15% increase in revenue

Abad Hotels and Resorts, India
14% boost in revenue | 10% increase in room nights sold | 80% time saved

Woodstock Resort, Karnataka, India
54% rise in revenues | 49.3% increase in occupancy | 12% more online sales | 13.4% boost in ARR

Shelter Beach Resort, Tamil Nadu, India
82% increase in revenues | 70% improvement in occupancy | 7% more online bookings | 4.5% boost in ARR

The Elephant Court, Kerala, India
19.9% increase in revenues | 8.2% rise in occupancy | 8.6% spike in ARR | 5% more online room sales

Hotel Willow Banks, Shimla, India
2X increase in online sales | 5X boost in occupancy | 18% growth in ARR | 3X rise in revenues

Jayam Hotel, Tamil Nadu, India
2X rise in revenues | 42% boost in occupancy | 29% more online booking

Kluney Manor Resort, Tamil Nadu, India
2.6X rise in revenues | 2.7X increase in occupancy | 2.85X more online sales | 3% boost in ARR